RESULTS – FSCDA Sunday 28th September 2014


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[prompt type=”left” title=”FSCDA SEPTEMBER RESULTS” message=”Click on  the BIG Red Button to  DOWNLOAD RESULTS” button_text=”RESULTS PREP B” href=””]

[prompt type=”left” title=”FSCDA SEPTEMBER RESULTS” message=”Click on  the BIG Red Button to  DOWNLOAD RESULTS” button_text=”RESULTS PRELIMINARY” href=””]

[prompt type=”left” title=”FSCDA SEPTEMBER RESULTS” message=”Click on  the BIG Red Button to  DOWNLOAD RESULTS” button_text=”RESULTS NOVICE” href=””]

[prompt type=”left” title=”FSCDA SEPTEMBER RESULTS” message=”Click on  the BIG Red Button to  DOWNLOAD RESULTS” button_text=”RESULTS ELEMENTARY” href=””]