All posts by Editor

Freestyle Clinic & Training Weekend 23rd & 24th June 2018


Need some arena time? Need some speaker desensitisation?  Need a lesson with your coach?

Bookings  are in blocks of 45 minutes (start time pending what time we can get the arenas up).  

DRESSAGE TRAIL :  (T’shirt day)  Preparatory, Preliminary, Novice & Elementary – SUNDAY 24th June 2018

Offering Preparatory, Preliminary, Novice and Elementary tests. Competitors may enter a maximum of two tests (example: Prep & Prelim).   Open to FSCDA members only.  All rider will be asked to assist in this competition, setting, re-setting, scoring and penicilling.  Please be prepared to help.  Tests are available below for printing.  We ask that you print and bring your test that you are entering on the day with all the details filled in.

POLES,  JUMP TRAINING with Jackie Warren – Sunday 24th June 2018

(Please note that all riders will be required to assist in putting up and packing up the weekends equipment.)

FREESTYLE CLINIC with Hetty Munda  –  Saturday 23rd June –  Day 1

The initial day will be a session to determine the horses tempo, once the horses tempo at walk, trot and canter has been measured, music is then introduced.

Riders may already have some music and/or movements that they would like to test, alternatively there will be a selection available that may suit.

FREESTYLE CLINIC with Hetty Munda  – Sunday 24th June – Day 2

The focus will be on choreography.  Working together with the rider on designing a pattern to the test requirements.  

The rider will then have the opportunity to ride their test and make some fine tuning.

Alternatively, you may have a test and music already and just wish to fine tune.

Rider preparation – riders are asked to bring  music.  that you feel that suits, choreography (if you have an idea of where you would like to go).  Some music and patterns are available for single purchase(one rider) on the weekend for $30.00.  Please bring your music on a USB.

Dressage Clinic limited spaces – Please be aware that there a limited positions for the freestyle clinic.  You will be notified if you are successful gaining a place.

FREESTYLE CLINIC $50.00 (includes both days plus trail and jump training)
T’SHIRT TRAINING DAYS $25.00 (includes arena familiarisation, trail & jump training)


[x_button shape=”square” size=”regular” float=”none” block=”true” href=”″ title=” FREESTYLE CLINIC & TRAINING DAY” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]ENTER T’SHIRT DAY[/x_button]






FSCDA would like to thank our very generous sponsors – these are our Sponsors:

Glen Mia Saddlery –  02 6492 1469  LIKE US ON FACEBOOK

Bega Valley Meats – 02 6492 1026 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK

Rankin Builders, LJ Hooker – Bega, 2EC & Power FM, Bega Valley Meats, Dial Before You Dig 1100, Les Hayes Automotive, Eagle Embroidery, Southern Farm Supplies, Candelo Stockfeeds, Pell- Rixon Bega, Bega & Cobargo Veterinary Hospitals, Cobargo Co-Operative Society Ltd, J & K Gardner, Christine Connolly Equine Dentist, Anna Ford, Epona Equine Massage & Laser Therapy, Bobbins Transport, Wattlelane Stables, Bega Valley Slashing South Coast Tyres, Happy Horse Australia.



Around the Arena

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to Around the Arena

The FSCDA competition year is about to start, last weekend was a great beginning with a protocol day at Cobargo, a lovely day that was enjoyed by everyone that attended. It was fantastic to see quite a few new faces as well as the familiar ones.

As most people are aware dressage means training, we train our horses  to carry themselves and us more easily, for various disciplines, for fun and for dressage competition. Are we throwing marks away though? It seems we are, by not practicing accurately and thinking about where we are riding in the arena, an article on this subject was published in the EA newsletter and it’s certainly worth reading.   Click here to read Throwing away valuable marks

Enjoy the read…… Chris





Annual General Meeting 27Feb


The FSCDA Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 27th February at the Bega Bowling Club and will commence at 6pm.


1. Minutes of the previous AGM

2. Presidents Report

3. Treasures Report

4. Election of Office Bearers

All positions will be declared vacant and elections for President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three committee will take place.

5. Other Business

Hope you can attend.

TEST – Working Equitation Competition 20th August 2017

Cobargo Show Ground Cobargo Bermagui Road Cobargo 

Schedule of Events Saturday 19th August 2017 

Training Working Equitation Ease of Handling, Speed and Dressage.

Schedule of Events Sunday 20th August 2017  

Dressage – *Lead Line, Intro, Preliminary, Debutante W.

Working Equitation Ease of Handling – *Lead Line, Intro, Preliminary, Debutante W.

Working Equitation Speed – Intro, Preliminary, Debutante W.

[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” title=”DRESSAGE TESTS” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]WEQ DRESSGAGE TESTS[/x_button]

[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” title=”WEQ Map – INTRO” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]INTRO WEQ Map[/x_button]

[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” title=”WEQ Map – PRELIM” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]PRELIM WEQ Map[/x_button]

[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” title=”WEQ Map – DEB W” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]DEB W WEQ Map[/x_button]

FSCDA would like to thank our very generous sponsors – these are our Major Sponsors: R & R Breust Rural Contracting, Rankin Builder, LJ Hooker – Bega, 2EC & Power FM, Bega Valley Meats, Dial Before You Dig 1100, Les Hayes Automotive, Eagle Embroidery, Southern Farm Supplies, Candelo Stockfeeds, Pell- Rixon Bega, Bega & Cobargo Veterinary Hospitals, Cobargo Co-Operative Society Ltd, J & K Gardner, Christine Connolly Equine Dentist, Anna Ford, Epona Equine Massage & Laser Therapy.

RESULTS – FSCDA Dressage Championships 26th & 27th November 2016

The results for Saturday & Sunday’s FSCDA Dressage Championships are now available to view and download.  What a great relaxed weekend.  Congratulations to everyone that competed.

Don’t forget to check out KK Equine Photography for all the photo’s that Kristen took over the weekend, go to KK Equine Photography Facebook to view a sample of her photos.  If you would like to view yours, just PM her with you bridle number and color of your horse and Kristen will send you the photos.  If you haven’t already seen,  there are pics from members on the Far South Coast Dressage Association – Members Facebook Group.  FSCDA – Members Page

I would like to congratulate and thank everyone that volunteered over the year, also to the hardworking committee for their tireless efforts in organizing the monthly competitions, and especially the championship weekend, which was so professionally run.  Thank you!!!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and will see you all in the New Year.  Don’t eat too much.

Cheers Kim G

[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” title=”CLICK HERE FOR SUNDAY 27TH RESULTS” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]SUNDAY 27TH NOVEMBER RESULTS[/x_button]

[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” title=”CLICK HERE FOR SATURDAY 26TH RESULTS” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]SATURDAY 26TH NOVEMBER RESULTS[/x_button]

FSCDA – High Point Score 2016

P1130535 sml P1130524 sml P1130538 sml





And here is what you have all been waiting for minus the final months scores.  Well done everyone what a super effort.  The championship entry is now available with a closing date of 16th November so you all better get your skates on and enter, don’t leave it until the last minute.  Now  for the important info.  Click on the BIG RED Button to download this years point score.

[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]2016 Dressage Point Score[/x_button]

RESULTS – FSCDA Cobargo Spring Show

Results for the October Cobargo Spring Show Dressage are now available to view and print.  Congratulations to everyone competing!


[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]CLICK HERE FOR OCTOBER RESULTS[/x_button]


FSCDA would like to thank our very generous sponsors – these are our Major Sponsors:

R & R Breust Rural Contracting, Russell’s Earth Moving & Excavators, Rankin Builder, LJ Hooker – Bega, 2EC & Power FM, Bega Valley Meats, Dial Before You Dig 1100, Les Hayes Automotive, Eagle Embroidery, Southern Farm Supplies, Candelo Stockfeeds, Pell- Rixon Bega, Bega & Cobargo Veterinary Hospitals, Cobargo Co-Operative Society Ltd.

RESULTS – Sunday 29th May 2016

The results are now available for you to peruse.

[x_button shape=”square” size=”large” float=”none” block=”true” href=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover”]CLICK HERE FOR RESULTS[/x_button]


[prompt type=”left” title=”PREPARATORY A UNRESTRICTED” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING PREP A” button_text=”PREP A” href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”PREPARATORY B UNRESTRICTED” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING PREP B” button_text= “PREP B” href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”PRELIMINARY 1.1 UNRESTRICTED” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING PRE1.1″ button_text=”PRE1.1″ href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”PRELIMINARY 1.2 UNRESTRICTED” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING PRE1.2″ button_text=”PRE1.2″ href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”NOVICE TEST 2.1 UNRESTRICTED” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING NOV2.1″ button_text=”NOV2.1″ href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”NOVICE TEST 2.2 UNRESTRICTED” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORINGM NOV2.2″ button_text=”NOV2.2″ href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”ELEMENTARY 3.1 UNRESTRICTED” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING E3.1″ button_text=”E3.1″ href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”ELEMENTARY 3.2 UNRESTRICTED” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING E3.2″ button_text=”E3.2″ href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”ADVANCED 5.1 OFFICIAL TEST” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING ADV5.1″ button_text= “ADV5.1″ href=”″]

[prompt type=”left” title=”ADVANCED 5.2 OFFICIAL TEST” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button SCORING ADV5.2″ button_text= “ADV5.2″ href=””]