All posts by Editor

RESULTS – FSCDA Dressage Competition 31st May 2015

What a fabulous weekend we all had, thank you to our Judges, Liz Pugh, Pip Collins and their trusty pencil people, Nola and Sharon.  The results are now available for you to preview.  If anyone has any great pics from the weekend and wouldn’t mind If we posted them on our website and Facebook page, please email them to info @ (remove spaces).

Thanks should also go to Jenny Smith for the jump grid training, Christine and Victoria  for setting up the WEQ course and Liz, Lucy & Kim in the Protocol arena.

[prompt type=”left” title=”FSCDA 31st May 2015 DRESSAGE COMPETITION” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button to VIEW RESULTS” button_text=”MAY COMP RESULTS” href=””]

FEI World Cup Las Vegas

The FEI World Cup Finals Jumping & Dressage have begun in Las Vegas. Charlotte and Valegro have once again blitzed the field with a whopping score of 85.414%, Edward Gal riding Glocks Undercover N.O.P following in second place with a score of 79.057% and Stephan Peter’s on Legolas scoring 76.843%. The top eight riders receiving a total prize pool of 25,000.00 USD.

Looking through the competitors list to see which Australians are competing in Vegas, there was one Australian rider who’s name stood out. One Lane Clarke born in 1985 show jumper from Australia. I’m not sure if “our” (yes taking ownership) Lane Clarke is riding in Vegas, but how exciting would it be if he was and no doubt in the future this very talented show jumper will be up there with the worlds best.

FEI TV are streaming the World Cup LIVE, although you will have to be an early riser, and pay a fee to join, this is a great way to get your dressage fix. The next Dressage Finals will be streaming on 19th April at 4:50am. There is a link from the World Cup home page for live viewing.

Standby for more updates.



FSCDA NEWS – April 2015

First competition for the 2015 season: Numbers exceed expectations!

Record numbers were in attendance at the FSCDA’s first event for the year. We couldn’t have asked for better weather for both days. Saturday was well attended by many who took advantage of Nell Marshman Judges School. We would like to thank Nell and Nell’s Handmaiden for coming down to Cobargo and giving us her time and expertise. A lot was learnt and I am sure everyone has gone home with a greater understanding and perspective of what a judge is looking for in the dressage arena.

Sunday saw the biggest field of horse and rider combinations in FSCDA history with 3 arenas and over 90 entries.

A big congratulations to the winners and placegetters along with all the competitors. Results can be found on the here.  Thank you to our judges Nell Marshman, Pip Collins and Yvonne Wilson, as well as the pencillers, for your time. The club would also like to thank all of those involved in making our fist event the success it was.

We all know that our days couldn’t run without the generous help of our major sponsors, and they are;

  • R & R Breust Rural Contracting
  • Rankin Builders
  • LJ Hooker – Bega
  • 2EC & Power FM
  • Bega Valley Meats
  • Dial Before You Dig 1100
  • Les Hayes Automotive
  • Eagle Embroidery
  • Southern Farm Supplies
  • Candelo Stockfeeds
  • Pell- Rixon Bega
  • Bega & Cobargo Veterinary Hospitals
  • Cobargo Co-Operative Society Ltd
  • Horse & General Repair
  • Littleton Cafe
  • NuWalla Contracting.

 EA Official and FSCDA Members Competitions

For those of you who share my confusion with the new classes,  when entering for a competition, the following may help us out:

* OFFICIAL COMPETITIVE – Both horse and rider are required to be EA registered. Do not have to be a FSCDA member.

* CLOSED UNRESTRICTED – Classes open to both EA and FSCDA members. Horse does not have to be EA registered. Can only be offered up to Novice level.

* CLOSED RESTRICTED – Classes are only open to FSCDA members. Riders and horses are not required to be EA members.

* OFFICIAL PARTICIPATION – Must be EA member, at least ‘Participation Membership’. Horse does not need to be EA registered. Can only be offered up to Novice level.

 2015 Membership

Membership is now due for renewal. Costs for membership are:

  • Family membership $65
  • Adult Riding Membership $50
  • Non Riding Membership $30
  • Junior Riding Membership $30 (under 16 as of 1st January)

Membership forms can be found and downloaded HERE.

New maillist

Because of changing arrangements, we have had to create a new maillist. If you were on the old maillist, you should have received an invitation to join the new one. If you haven’t and you would like to join, just send an email (from the email account you want to subscribe with) to fscdamaillist+subscribe @  P.S. You don’t have to be a member to subscribe to the maillist!

Upcoming events

The next FSCDA meeting will be held on Tuesday 28th April, 6.30 Club Bega in the Meeting Room. Up for discussion will be preparations for the May Official Comp, planning for the other FSCDA days as well as the Championships.

The April 26th Training Day has been postponed due to 100th anniversary ANZAC day events. However, Paul has offered to put an arena up at Cobargo if anyone wanted to go and play. There would be a small fee to cover the ground costs. Please contact Paul if you are interested.

Liz Pugh has offered to come on Saturday the 30th May and conduct a Protocol day before Sundays Competition. This will be a great follow up from the Nell Marshman Judges Seminar.

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RESULTS – FSCDA Competition 29th March 2015


What a competition we had! Thank you to everyone that made this comp so successful.

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[prompt type=”left” title=”RESULTS –  FSCDA Freestyle” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button to DOWNLOAD & PRINT” button_text=”RESULTS PRE/NOV FREESTYLE ” href=””]



FSCDA 2015 Membership Renewals

FSCDA Colour Logo 240px

The 2015 dressage competition year is here and of course it’s membership renewal time. This year we have a super online form to fill in, which is completely secure and we will not give your personal details to anyone. Before you fill in  the membership form with your details, please make sure you have deposited your membership fee, as you will need your receipt number to complete the form. If you have any problems filling in the form please contact Kim on 0429932703 for assistance.

Family Membership @ $65 Adult Riding Member @ $50 Non-Riding Member @ $30 Junior Riding Member @ $30 (Under 16 as at 1st January).

[prompt type=”left” title=”2015 FSCDA MEMBERSHIP” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button to FILL IN MEMBERSHIP FORM” button_text=”MEMBERSHIP FORM” href=”″]

December Newsletter

The December newsletter is really more of a “newsbook” – make yourself comfortable and enjoy Tanya’s excellent tome!

[prompt type=”left” title=”December 2014 Newsletter” message=”by Tanya Rutter” button_text=”Click here to download” href=””]

RESULTS – FSCDA Championship Weekend November 2014

IMG_0341smlThe results for the FSCDA Championship weekend.  Congratulations to everyone for making both days very successful. After you’ve checked out the scores, click on over to the “Gallery” click here.

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[prompt type=”left” title=”RESULTS – FREESTYLE” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button to DOWNLOAD RESULTS” button_text=”FREESTYLE  RESULTS” href=””]

[prompt type=”left” title=”RESULTS – CHAMPIONSHIP POINT SCORE” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button to DOWNLOAD RESULTS” button_text=”CHAMPIONSHIP POINT SCORE” href=””]

RESULTS – FSCDA Dressage plus Challenge

dressage-challenge-plusThe results from the FSCDA Dressage Challenge plus weekend are now available to download and print.  Congratulations to MEA team for winning the Challenge plus Trophy and the honor of hosting the next challenge. It was a super day!  Photo’s from the day are available for view here.

[prompt type=”left” title=”FSCDA Dressage plus Challenge ” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button to VIEW RESULTS” button_text=”ALL WEQ  RESULTS” href=””]
