NEWSLETTER – Around the Arena Issue 1 March 2016

Our Chief Editor Christine Connolly and Journalist Victoria Smith have submitted the March 2016 “Around the Arena” Newsletter for printing.  Click on the link below to download you’ll get it hot off the press.

[prompt type=”left” title=”MARCH NEWSLETTER” message=”Click on the BIG Red Button to READ Issue One March Newsletter” button_text=”CLICK HERE” href=””]

FSCDA would like to thank our very generous sponsors;

Major Sponsors: R & R Breust Rural Contracting, Rankin Builders, LJ Hooker – Bega, 2EC & Power FM, Bega Valley Meats, Dial Before You Dig 1100, Les Hayes Automotive, Eagle Embroidery, Southern Farm Supplies, Candelo Stockfeeds, Pell- Rixon Bega, Bega & Cobargo Veterinary Hospitals, Cobargo Co-Operative Society Ltd.